Real Name:
James William Van Der Beek, Katherine Holmes, Joshua Jackson, Michelle Williams
Actors and Actress's
March 8, 1977 December 18, 1978 June 11, 1978 September 9, 1980
Birth Place:
Cheshire-Connecticut, Toledo-Ohio, Vancouver-British Columbia, Kalispell-Montana
Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo
Contact Address:
Dawson's Creek Star's Name
c/o Dawson's Creek
The WB Network
4000 Warner Boulevard
Burbank, CA 91522
My Favorite Lines......
"A thang? No, I'm not getting a thang for you, Dawson. I've known you too long. I've seen you burp, barf, pick your nose, scratch your butt. I don't think I'm getting a thang for you."-Joey
Jen: Hey Joey, I love your lipstick. What shade is that?
Joey: Wicked red. I love your hair color. What number is that?
Pacey: I'm the drummer for Pearl Jam. You?
Girl: You're dumber than who?
Mysterious voice on the phone: So tell me your name.
Jen: Drew Barrymore. Look, you wanna play this game, let's cut right to the chase. What's your favorite scary movie?
Voice: Friday the 13th. What's yours?
Jen: The Ten Commandments. Don't ask.
"Unrequited love makes you do strange things...I I've heard."-Joey
Joey: No time to talk, Dawson. My sister's having her baby.
Dawson: Cool. Congratulations.
Joey: On your lawn.
"It's all about romance...and chap stick."-Mr. Leery
Bessie: He's still our father.
Joey: Yeah. Our father who art in prison.
Dawson: Joe, let's assess. What have we learned from tonight's 90210 evening?
Joey: That we should always stay home on a Saturday night and watch movies because the rewind on the remote of life does not work.
"Dawson, fasten your seat belt. It's going to be a bumpy life."-Joey
Pacey: Please don't make me eat dinner with the Stepford family.
Joey: Uh oh, trouble in paradise? I guess I can scrape something up. I think I saw some rat droppings behind the oven.
Pacey: Great. I'll take 'em. Toss 'em in the microwave, warm 'em up, you know....
Joey: That was weird. For a second there, I was overcome with this wave of sympathy for'll pass.
Jen: You know, now that the proverbial wedge we so fondly refer to as Dawson Leery is no longer between us, we could actually be friends...I know, I know, it's a bizarre concept, but we might find that we have something more in common than just the boy next door.
Joey: We don't have to, like, wash each other's hair and do each other's nails, do we?
Pacey: Dr. Rand, I'd like to lodge a formal protest. You never told me I'd be working with a repressed control freek.
Joey: Yeah, and you never told me my grade is dependent upon some remedial underachiever.
Dr. Rand: Well, wonderful. So I see no introductions are necessary.
"She's...great. I mean, she's...she's smart, she's beautiful, she's funny. She's a big old scaredy-cat. If you creep up from behind her, she'll jump out of her skin. It's pretty amusing. She's honest-she calls them just like she sees them. You can always count on getting the truth from Joey, even if the truth hurts. She's stubborn-we fight a lot. She can be so frustrating sometimes. But she's a really, really good friend. And loyal to a fault...she believes in me. And I'm a dreamer, so I mean it's good to have someone like that in my life. If she goes away, I don't know what I'm gonna do...I mean she's...she's my best friend. She's more than that. But...she's everything."-Dawson
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Did You Know???
On the set, the actors sit in chairs with their characters' names on them-not their own names-to lessen the liklihood of fans stealing the canvas backs.
It takes seven full days of shooting to make one episode of Dawson's Creek.
Unlike Jen and Joey, Michelle and Katie instantly bonded in real life.
Michelle's girlhood dream was to become the first female heavyweight champion of the world.
In the "Detention" episode Pacey (the character) refers to The Mighty Ducks movies that Josh (the actor) starred in.
The dog in the J. Crew catalog that features the cast of Dawson's Creek is Josh's very own pet, Shumba.
Katie likes to dance in the makeup trailer when the filming day is over.
The producers vowed to try to shoot all water scenes in the summer after Katie and Josh nearly froze during the November shoot of their snail-gathering scene.
James' father pitched for the Los Angeles Dodgers.
Katie has been accepted at Columbia University, an Ivy League school in New York City. She has deferred admission.
Josh once sang with the San Francisco Boys Chorus.
Wednesday January 6, 1999 on DC: Pacey puts his past to rest when Tamara returns to seal a deal with Dawson's father; Jack makes a good impression on Joey, who paints Dawson into a corner after he insults her new intrest in art; Abby tries to hook up with a fisherman, who sends Jen reeling. (REPEAT)

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